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AWS Re:invent Day Two

ยท 3 min read
Jeremy Care

Quick feedback from my second day at Re:invent 2021. The first session of the day was a workshop about Serverless consumers for streaming workloads. The second one was about Evolutionary AWS Lambda Functions with hexagonal architecture.



SVS316-R2 Serverless consumers for streaming workload (Builder's Session)โ€‹

This session was a Builder's Session, it is like a kind of workshop where you sit in a table with 8 people and a Solution Architect from AWS. The SA is presenting the workshop and doing it with you, he's here to answer questions and guide you through the workshop.

The idea was to link an AWS Kinesis Data Streams to an AWS Lambda consumer. The second part of the workshop explained how to handle errors, using bisect strategy. Since the consumer is receiving batches of Records instead of a single Event, it's all or nothing. If one of the records processing is failing, the whole batch will fails. To handle that, you need to activate Bisect strategy setting. It will handle errors by splitting the batch in two, and try to process again. That way you will end up with failing records isolated from the others.

This year, AWS released a feature related to error handling when working with SQS. This feature allows you to return partial failure, tht way you don't have to reprocess successful records. I hope this will be released for AWS Kinesis Data Streams too.

My personal feeling about that session is that it was way too high level. It may be good for people that are not used to serverless ecosystem, but for me, it was not worth the to go.


API301 Building event-driven architectures (Workshop)โ€‹

I arrived 30 minutes before the session, and I could not get a seat... I was disappointed because the staff didn't cut the line. So I end-up waiting 30 minutes in line, to get rejected. If you want to go to re:invent, buy your ticket as soon as possible, to be able to register to all the session you want. We were a bit late on the booking of our re:invent tickets and most of the session were full.

ARC302-R2 Evolutionary AWS Lambda functions with hexagonal architecture (Breakout room)โ€‹

I was so excited about this Session, the speaker Luca Mezzalira is really active on social media, always posting amazing contents.

And this concept is super important to build solid software. I was lucky to get a seat to this session. The line was HUGE, but I could register on the app right after I booked my re:invent ticket.

This session will be available on Youtube really soon. I think it's a must watch. It covers the principle of the Hexagonal Architecture design

Hexagonal Architecture


For the evening we went to the M&E Happy Hour, in the restaurant La Cave. This event was sponsored by AWS, it was really fun. The place was beautiful, it was open bar with some kind of small appetizers, very cool! I end up playing roulette with some devs from FOX (spoiler alert, I lost my money).
